Система свершений

Материал из Википедия по игре The Elder Scrolls Online
(перенаправлено с «Печати свершений»)

Свершения (Endeavors) является системой, которая была представлена в игре обновлением Update 30 и была активирована 17 июня 2021 года. Это ограниченные по времени действия для всей учетной записи, за которые вознаграждается новая валюта - «Печати свершений». Их можно использовать для покупки любого предмета в активном в данный момент Кронном магазине. Усилия вознаграждают вас за выполнение простых задач, таких как убийство нескольких существ, изготовление нескольких предметов из определенного ремесла и т.д., Их можно посмотреть в Поиск групп и действий.

Свершения делятся на две группы: ежедневные и еженедельные. Вы можете выполнить три из пяти ежедневных заданий в день и одно из трех еженедельных заданий в неделю, после чего остальные свершения будут заблокированы.

После того, как вы достигли пределов своих свершений, вы должны подождать, пока они не сбросятся, чтобы выполнить их больше, и прогресс будет заморожен для незавершенных свершений. Ежедневные свершения сбрасываются ежедневно в 6 утра по всемирному времени, а еженедельные задания сбрасываются с помощью списков лидеров. Оставшееся время для них отслеживается для вас в разделе «Свершения» в «Поиске групп и действий». Завершение Свершения автоматически дает Печати свершений, а также потенциально другие бонусы, такие как опыт, вдохновение и другие подобные награды.

Печати свершений (Seals of Endeavor)

ON-icon-store-Seals of Endeavor.pngПечати свершений являются общими для всего аккаунта валютой, которую вы можете потратить в соответствующем разделе Кронного магазина для покупки предметов в доступных в настоящее время кронных ящиках. Когда в Кронном магазине предлагается новый ящик, предметы, доступные для покупки за печати, также меняются в соответствии с активным ящиком.

Вы не можете обменивать, дарить или извлекать предметы, купленные в разделе «Печати свершений» Кронного магазина. У них нет ограничения, и у них нет срока действия.

Возможные награды

Ежедневные свершения

  • Из 5 предлагаемых ежедневных свершений максимум 3 можно выполнить за один день.
  • За каждое свершение вы можете получить определенное количество печатей, а иногда и Опыт (Experience) или золото. Возможные награды включают:
Возможные награды
Печати свершений Опыт
10 Печати свершений
10 Печати свершений 4,500 Опыт
15 Печати свершений
15 Печати свершений 2,500 Опыт
15 Печати свершений 5,000 Опыт
15 Печати свершений 6,000 Опыт
15 Печати свершений 1,000 Опыт
15 Печати свершений 1,500 Опыт
20 Печати свершений
20 Печати свершений 3,500 Опыт
20 Печати свершений 4,000 Опыт
20 Печати свершений 5,000 Опыт
20 Печати свершений 1,000 Золото
20 Печати свершений 1,250 Золото
20 Печати свершений 2,000 Золото
25 Печати свершений
25 Печати свершений 3,000 Опыт
25 Печати свершений 1,000 Золото
30 Печати свершений

Еженедельные свершения

  • Из 3 предлагаемых еженедельных свершений только 1 можно выполнить в неделю.
  • Каждое свершение даст вам определенное количество печатей, а иногда Опыта, Золота или Кристаллов трансмутации. Возможные награды включают:
Возможные награды
Печати свершений Опыт
180 Печати свершений
180 Печати свершений 10,000 Опыт
200 Печати свершений
200 Печати свершений 20 Кристаллы трансмутации
225 Печати свершений
250 Печати свершений 10,000 Опыт

Список свершений

Возможные свершения включают:

Ежедневные свершения

Свершения Описание Советы и примечания
Поражайте [10, 15, 20] врагов ядовитым оружием. Применяйте расходуемые яды к противникам с помощью своего оружия, чтобы завершить это свершение.
  • Также засчитывается применение яда несколько раз к одному и тому же противнику.
Collect 5 Cloth-Producing Plants Collect Clothier resources from cloth-producing plants to complete this endeavor.
  • Harvesting a Furrier's Trap from a Clothier Survey does count towards the total.
Collect 2 Pure Water Springs or Alchemical Plants Collect Alchemical resources like plants, mushrooms, and water to complete this endeavor.
Collect 5 Runestones Collect Enchanting resources from runestones to complete this endeavor.
Complete 1 Battleground Match Complete Battleground matches (win or lose) to complete this endeavor.
Complete 1 Black Sacrament Complete Black Sacrament quests for the Dark Brotherhood to complete this endeavor. Undertake these nefarious missions in the Dark Brotherhood DLC.
  • Completing the bonus objectives is not required.
Complete 1 Duel Complete duels with other players (winning or losing) to complete this endeavor. Forfeited duels do not count toward this goal.
Complete 1 Dungeon Complete group dungeons throughout Tamriel to complete this endeavor.
  • Credit is given when the last boss dies, so half complete dungeons also count.
Complete 1 Heist Complete Heist quests for the Thieves Guild to complete this endeavor. Sign up for these unlawful adventures in the Thieves Guild DLC.
  • Completing the heist within the time limit is not required.
Complete 1 Public Dungeon Group Event Achieve victory in public dungeon group events to complete this endeavor.
Complete [1, 2, 3] Quest(s) Complete quests throughout Tamriel to complete this endeavor.
  • Repeatable quests count.
  • Master writ quests also count.
Complete 1 Quest for Bruma in Cyrodiil Complete quests for the town of Bruma, found in Cyrodiil, to complete this endeavor.
Complete 1 Quest for Cheydinhal in Cyrodiil Complete quests for the town of Cheydinhal, found in Cyrodiil, to complete this endeavor.
Complete 1 Quest for Chorrol in Cyrodiil Complete quests for the town of Chorrol, found in Cyrodiil, to complete this endeavor.
Complete 1 Quest for Cropsford in Cyrodiil Complete quests for the town of Cropsford, found in Cyrodiil, to complete this endeavor.
Complete 1 Quest for Vlastarus in Cyrodiil Complete quests for the town of Vlastarus, found in Cyrodiil, to complete this endeavor.
Consume 2 Drinks Consume Drinks to complete this endeavor.
Consume 2 Foods Consume Foods to complete this endeavor.
Craft 4 Items with the Alchemy skill Craft items using the Alchemy skill to complete this endeavor. Alchemy stations can be found in most major cities.
  • Bonus items from the Chemistry passive also count, i.e. crafting 4 potions at once counts as 4 items.
Craft 4 Items with the Blacksmithing skill Craft items using the Blacksmithing skill to complete this endeavor. Blacksmithing stations can be found in most major cities.
  • Items created during daily crafting writs count.
  • Crafting furnishing items also count.
Craft 4 Items with the Clothier skill Craft items using the Clothier skill to complete this endeavor. Clothier stations can be found in most major cities.
Craft [2, 4] Items with the Enchanting skill Craft items using the Enchanting skill to complete this endeavor. Enchanting tables can be found in most major cities.
Craft [2, 4, 5] Items with the Jewelry Crafting skill Craft items using the Jewelry Crafting skill to complete this endeavor. Jewelry Crafting stations can be found in most major cities. Learn this delicate art through the Summerset Chapter.
Craft [4, 5] Items with the Provisioning skill Craft items using the Provisioning skill to complete this endeavor. Cooking Fires can be found throughout the world, and in most major cities. Alternatively, you can use the Provision Station in your home.
  • Bonus items from the Chef or Brewer passive also count, i.e. crafting 4 servings of a food at once counts as 4 items.
Craft [2, 5] Items with the Woodworking skill Craft items using the Woodworking skill to complete this endeavor. Woodworking stations can be found in most major cities.
Craft 1 New Moon Acolyte Item Craft items from the New Moon Acolyte Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Southern Elsweyr.
Craft 1 Senche-raht's Grit Item Craft items from the Senche-raht's Grit Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Northern Elsweyr.
Craft 1 Vastarie's Tutelage Item Craft items from the Vastarie's Tutelage Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Northern Elsweyr.
Cut 5 Logs of Wood Collect Woodworking resources from logs of wood to complete this endeavor.
Deal [75000, 100000] Damage with Siege Weapons Deal damage with siege weapons like trebuchets, catapults, and ballistae in Cyrodiil (to players, guards, or keeps) to complete this endeavor.
  • Damage dealt using Flaming Oils also counts.
Deconstruct [5, 8] Items at a Blacksmithing table Deconstruct items using the Blacksmithing skill to complete this endeavor. Blacksmithing stations can be found in most major cities.
  • Deconstructing items you crafted yourself counts.
Deconstruct [5, 8] Items at a Clothier table Deconstruct items using the Clothier skill to complete this endeavor. Clothier stations can be found in most major cities.
  • Deconstructing items you crafted yourself counts.
Deconstruct [5, 8] Items at a Jewelry Crafting table Deconstruct items using the Jewelry Crafting skill to complete this endeavor. Jewelry Crafting stations can be found in most major cities. Learn this delicate art through the Summerset Chapter.
  • Deconstructing items you crafted yourself counts.
Deconstruct [5, 8] Items at a Woodworking table Deconstruct items using the Woodworking skill to complete this endeavor. Woodworking stations can be found in most major cities.
  • Deconstructing items you crafted yourself counts.
Defeat 1 Patrolling Horror in the Imperial City Districts Defeat the colossal monsters that roam the Imperial City's districts to complete this endeavor.
Destroy 5 Clockwork Foes Destroy fabricants, factotums, and other clockwork foes to complete this endeavor. Seek them out in Sotha Sil's Clockwork City.
  • Any Fabricant or enemy Factotum will count.
  • Passive scorpion fabricants also count.
  • Dancing Spiders and Firepot Spiders do not count.
  • For players without access to the Clockwork City DLC, fabricants also spawn in Nchuthnkarst and the Halls of Fabrication, and also as part of the Divine Restoration quest. Killing the Precursor target dummy also counts.
Destroy 5 Dwarven Automata Destroy Dwarven Spheres, Dwarven Spiders, and other Dwarven automata to complete this endeavor. These murderous machines patrol the halls of Dwarven ruins.
  • Dwarven Architons, Dwarven Sentries, Dawarven Carriers, Dwarven Centurions and Dwarven Arquebuses also count.
  • Passive Dwarven Scarabs also count.
Destroy 1 Flame Atronach Destroy Flame Atronachs to complete this endeavor. Seek these scorching abominations in charred ruins and the fiery depths of Oblivion.
Destroy 10 Ghosts Destroy spirits, specters, and other ghosts to complete this endeavor. Seek these cursed undead in ruined castles and haunted cemetaries across Tamriel.
Destroy 10 Skeletons Destroy skeletons to complete this endeavor. Seek these clattering foes in ruins and crypts throughout Tamriel.
Dig Up 1 Chest from Treasure Maps Follow Treasure Maps and dig up their Treasure Chests to complete this endeavor.
  • Glenmoril Wyrd Treasure Maps also count.
Earn 150 Tel Var Stones Through Kills Earn Tel Var stones by killing players or monsters in the Imperial City to complete this endeavor.
Enchant 2 Pieces of Equipment Place new enchantments on pieces of equipment to complete this endeavor.
Escape from Guards 1 Time Successfully flee from town guards, after catching their notice, to complete this endeavor.
  • For the escape to count, you must be accosted by the guard while having a bounty on you. Then choose "Flee" as the dialog option, and make a successful escape. Simply getting into the fight with a guard, by casting offensive ability at them, then escaping does not count.
Excavate [1, 2, 4] Antiquities Find and excavate Antiquities throughout Tamriel to complete this endeavor. Begin your antiquarian journey through the Greymoor Chapter.
Excavate 1 Purple or Gold-quality Antiquity Excavate Purple or Gold-quality Antiquities to complete this endeavor. Begin your antiquarian journey through the Greymoor Chapter.
Extract 8 Items at an Enchanting table Extract items using the Enchanting skill to complete this endeavor. Enchanting stations can be found in most major cities.
Harvest [5, 8, 10] Resources from the World Harvest crafting resources from plants, ore veins, or any other natural desposit to complete this endeavor.
  • Any node associated with the alchemy, blacksmithing, clothing, enchanting, jewelry crafting and woodworking skills will count.
  • The artificial nodes found in Clockwork City or Blackreach will also count.
  • Picking up provisioning ingredients from barrels, crates etc. does not count.
  • Psijic portals and giant clams do not count even though they can be harvested.
  • Gathering cloth scraps from slain beasts does not count.
Kill 10 Beasts Kill beasts throughout Tamriel to complete this endeavor.
Kill 10 Bestial Daedra Kill ogrims, clannfear, scamps and other bestial Daedra to complete this endeavor. These cruel monstrosities stalk the planes of Oblivion in great numbers.
Kill 5 Chitinous Foes Kill mudcrabs, yaghra, dunerippers, and other hard-shelled foes to complete this endeavor. These repulsive beasts often prowl Tamriel's shores and seaside caves.
Kill [5, 10] Citizens with the Blade of Woe Kill citizens of Tamriel with the Blade of Woe to complete this endeavor. Learn to wield the blade in the Dark Brotherhood DLC.
Kill [1, 2, 4] Dangerous Foe(s) Kill foes with shielded life-bars to complete this endeavor.
  • Any elite, miniboss or boss mob will count, including those found in Public or Group Dungeons.
Kill 1 Delve Boss in Cyrodiil Kill Delve Bosses in Cyrodiil to complete this endeavor.
Kill 1 Dragon Kill Dragons to complete this endeavor. These ancient behemoths soar over the Khajiiti homeland of Elsweyr.
Kill [10, 15] Foes with Class Abilities Finish off foes with Class Abilities to complete this endeavor.
  • The killing blow must be struck by a class ability for the kill to count.
Kill [10, 15] Foes with Weapon Abilities Finish off foes with Weapon Abilities to complete this endeavor.
  • Kills in the Battlegrounds count towards this.
Kill 1 Giant Kill giants to complete this endeavor. These titanic foes wander the frigid plains of Skyrim.
Kill 10 Humanoid Foes Kill humanoid foes throughout Tamriel to complete this endeavor.
  • Only NPCs from the ten playable races count.
  • Humanoid enemies such as Daedra (Dremora etc.), vampires, skeletons, goblins, spirits, Draugr etc. do not count for this endeavor.
  • Killing citizens with the Blade of Woe also counts for this.
Kill 5 Insects or Arachnids Kill hoarvors, kwama, and other monstrous insects and spiders to complete this endeavor. These skittering horrors exist throughout Tamriel--particularly in caves and crypts.
Kill 4 People Kill citizens of Tamriel to complete this endeavor.
Kill 5 Plant Creatures Kill stranglers, lurchers, and other monstrous plants to complete this endeavor. These ravenous horrors take root in the swamps of Black Marsh and lush jungles of Valenwood.
  • Miregaunts also count.
  • Some creatures, such as Lurchers, may or may not count depending on their local varieties.
Kill [1, 2] Player(s) in Cyrodiil Kill enemy players in Cyrodiil to complete this endeavor.
  • Assists also count.
Kill 5 Reptiles Kill haj mota, wamasu, and other monstrous reptiles to complete this endeavor. Hunt these cold-blooded beasts in the swamps of Black Marsh and jungles of Valenwood.
Kill 1 Troll Kill trolls to complete this endeavor. These ferocious beasts wander the wilderness throughout Tamriel.
Kill 10 Vampires Kill vampires to complete this endeavor. These bloodthirsty fiends often lurk in dark caves and cold, forgotten ruins.
Kill 2 World Bosses Kill World Bosses to complete this endeavor.
  • World Boss sites with multiple bosses (e.g. Sul-Xan Ritual Site) only count as one.
  • Craglorn group bosses such as Anka-Ra Burial Sites, Anomalies and Nirncrux Mines do not count even though they are marked with the world boss symbol.
Launder [5, 8, 10] Items at Fences Visit a Fence and launder ill-gotten goods to complete this endeavor. Fences reside in Outlaw's Refuges beneath most major cities.
Loot 1 Thieves Trove Loot Thieves Troves to complete this endeavor.
Loot [1, 2, 3] Treasure Chest(s) Loot treasure chests throughout Tamriel to complete this endeavor.
  • Reward chests from completing dolmens, harrowstorms, geysers, Oblivion portals, and completing Arena stages also count.
  • Treasure chests that you did not unlock (i.e. half looted ones) also count, if you take the rest of the items inside.
  • Unlocking Safeboxes also counts towards the goal.
  • Looting Thieves Troves also counts towards the goal.
Mine 5 Jewel Seams Mine Jewelry Crafting resources from seams of jewel-producing ores to complete this endeavor. Learn this delicate art through the Summerset Chapter.
Mine 5 Veins of Ore Mine Blacksmithing resources from ore veins to complete this endeavor.
  • Nodes associated with surveys also count.
Pick [2, 3, 5] Locks Pick locked doors and chests to complete this endeavor.
  • Forcing a lock does not count.
Pickpocket [3, 6] Items Pickpocket items from the citizens of Tamriel to complete this endeavor.
Recharge 1 Weapon Enchantment Recharge weapon enchantments with soul gems to complete this endeavor.
Refine Raw Materials [2, 5] Times Refine raw materials at their associated crafting station to complete this endeavor. Crafting stations can be found in most major cities.
Repair 7500 Damage to Structures in Cyrodiil Use Door and Wall Repair Kits on structures in Cyrodiil to complete this endeavor.
Revive 1 Fallen Player Revive players to complete this activity. Reviving yourself does not count towards this goal.
Sell [10, 15] Items to Merchants Sell items to legitimate merchants (not fences) to complete this endeavor.
  • Selling and buying back the same item multiple times also counts.
Steal [5, 20] Items from the environment Steal items from crates, baskets, shelves, and similar places to complete this endeavor.
  • Looting items out of Thieves Troves will count towards the goal, since looting these troves is stealing.
  • Pickpocketing or looting murdered NPCs also counts.
Update an Outfit 1 Time Update an Outfit to complete this activity. Outfit stations can be found in most major cities.
Use Mementos 2 Times Use Mementos to complete this endeavor.
Use Ultimate Abilities [2, 3] Times Unleash Ultimate Abilities to complete this endeavor.
  • Activating the Feral Guardian's special ability also counts.
  • Toggling Overload on and off also counts.

Еженедельные свершения

Свершение Описание Советы и примечания
Пройти 2 арены Triumph over Maelstrom Arena, Vateshran Hollows, Blackrose Prison or Dragonstar Arena to complete this endeavor.
Complete 5 Battleground Matches Complete Battleground matches (win or lose) to complete this endeavor.
Complete 7 Dungeons Complete group dungeons throughout Tamriel to complete this endeavor.
  • Credit is given when the last boss dies, so half complete dungeons also count.
Complete 5 Public Dungeon Group Events Achieve victory in public dungeon group events to complete this endeavor.
Complete 7 Quests for Cropsford in Cyrodiil Complete quests for the town of Cropsford, found in Cyrodiil, to complete this endeavor.
Complete 4 Trials Gather your allies and complete Trials to complete this endeavor.
Deal 400,000 Damage with Siege Weapons Deal damage with siege weapons like trebuchets, catapults, and ballistae in Cyrodiil (to players, guards, or keeps) to complete this endeavor.
  • Damage dealt using Flaming Oils also counts.
Excavate 25 Antiquities Find and excavate Antiquities throughout Tamriel to complete this endeavor. Begin your antiquarian journey through the Greymoor Chapter.
Kill 30 Dragons Kill Dragons to complete this endeavor. These ancient behemoths soar over the Khajiiti homeland of Elsweyr.
Kill 250 Foes with Class Abilities Finish off foes with Class Abilities to complete this endeavor.
Kill 180 Foes with Weapon Abilities Finish off foes with Weapon Abilities to complete this endeavor.
  • Kills in the Battlegrounds count towards this.
Kill 15 Player(s) in Cyrodiil Kill enemy players in Cyrodiil to complete this endeavor.
  • Assists also count.
Kill 30 World Bosses Kill World Bosses to complete this endeavor.
  • World Boss sites with multiple bosses (e.g. Sul-Xan Ritual Site) only count as one.
  • Craglorn group bosses such as Anka-Ra Burial Sites, Anomalies and Nirncrux Mines do not count even though they are marked with the world boss symbol.
Repair 75,000 Damage to Structures in Cyrodiil Use Door and Wall Repair Kits on structures in Cyrodiil to complete this endeavor.
Steal 90 Items from the environment Steal items from crates, baskets, shelves, and similar places to complete this endeavor.
  • Looting items out of Thieves Troves will count towards the goal, since looting these troves is stealing.
  • Pickpocketing or looting murdered NPCs also counts.
Use Ultimate Abilities 40 Times Unleash Ultimate Abilities to complete this endeavor.
  • Activating the Feral Guardian's special ability also counts.
  • Toggling Overload on and off also counts.

Неподтвержденные свершения

Свершение Описание
Kill <<1>> Amorphous [Foe/Foes] Kill netches, voriplasms, and other amorphous foes to complete this endeavor. These unsettling creatures lurk in the swamps and volcanic wastes of Black Marsh and Morrowind.
Destroy <<1>> Frost [Atronach/Atronachs] Destroy Frost Atronachs to complete this endeavor. These glacial aberrations commonly wander the jagged hills of Craglorn.
Kill <<1>> Humanoid Daedra Kill Dremora, Xivkyn, Skaafin, and other humanoid Daedra to complete this endeavor. Seek these cruel Daedric servants in the planes of Oblivion.
Destroy <<1>> Storm [Atronach/Atronachs] Destroy storm atronachs to complete this endeavor. These otherworldly creatures often thunder across the craggy highlands of Craglorn and High Rock.
Destroy <<1>> Rotting Undead [Foe/Foes] Destroy zombies, draugr, and other rotting undead foes to complete this endeavor. Seek these ghastly abominations in crypts, tombs, and forbidding swamplands.
Destroy <<1>> Watery [Foe/Foes] Destroy wisps, nereids, and other watery foes to complete this endeavor. These mysterious creatures swirl across the frigid plains of Skyrim and swim in watery depths throughout Tamriel.
Kill <<1>> Barbaric [Foe/Foes] Kill goblins, ogres, lamia, and other barbaric foes to complete this endeavor. These savage brutes gather in caves, ruins, and rocky highlands throughout Tamriel.
Destroy <<1>> Flesh [Atronach/Atronachs] Destroy flesh atronachs to complete this endeavor. Hunt these gruesome monstrosities in corrupted ruins throughout Tamriel.
Kill <<1>> [Wild or Domestic Animal/Wild or Domestic Animals] Kill snakes, deer, lizards, livestock, and other assorted critters throughout Tamriel to complete this endeavor.
Destroy <<1>> Air [Atronach/Atronachs] Destroy air atronachs to complete this endeavor. These blustery foes often dwell in Craglorn.
Destroy <<1>> Iron [Atronach/Atronachs] Destroy iron atronachs to complete this endeavor. These molten monstrosities wander the volcanic wastes of Vvardenfell.
Destroy <<1>> Stone [Atronach/Atronachs] Destroy stone atronachs to complete this endeavor. Seek them out in the ruins of Craglorn.
Kill <<1>> Void [Creature/Creatures] Kill shades, voidmothers, and other void creatures to complete this endeavor. Seek these horrifying entities in caverns beneath the Reach.
Craft <<1>> Death's Wind [Item/Items] Craft items from the Death's Wind item set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting locations in Auridon, Glenumbra, or Stonefalls.
Craft <<1>> Twilight's Embrace [Item/Items] Craft items from the Twilight's Embrace Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting locations in Deshaan, Grahtwood, or Stormhaven.
Craft <<1>> Night's Silence [Item/Items] Craft items from the Night's Silence Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting locations in Auridon, Glenumbra, or Stonefalls.
Craft <<1>> Armor of the Seducer [Item/Items] Craft items from the Armor of the Seducer Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Deshaan, Grahtwood, or Stormhaven.
Craft <<1>> Vampire's Kiss [Item/Items] Craft items from the Vampire's Kiss Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Alik'r Desert, Eastmarch, or Malabal Tor.
Craft <<1>> Magnus' Gift [Item/Items] Craft items from the Magnus' Gift Item Set to complete this activity. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Greenshade, Rivenspire, or Shadowfen.
Craft <<1>> Night Mother's Gaze [Item/Items] Craft items from the Night Mother's Gaze Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Bangkorai, Reaper's March, or The Rift.
Craft <<1>> Ashen Grip [Item/Items] Craft items from the Ashen Grip Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Auridon, Glenumbra, or Stonefalls.
Craft <<1>> Oblivion's Foe [Item/Items] Craft items from the Oblivion's Foe Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Coldharbour.
Craft <<1>> Spectre's Eye [Item/Items] Craft items from the Spectre's Eye Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Coldharbour.
Craft <<1>> Torug's Pact [Item/Items] Craft items from the Torug's Pact Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Deshaan, Grahtwood, or Stormhaven.
Craft <<1>> Hist Bark [Item/Items] Craft items from the Hist Bark Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Greenshade, Rivenspire, or Shadowfen.
Craft <<1>> Willow's Path [Item/Items] Craft items from the Willow's Path Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Bangkorai, Reaper's March, or The Rift.
Craft <<1>> Hunding's Rage [Item/Items] Craft items from the Hunding's Rage Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Bangkorai, Reaper's March, or The Rift.
Craft <<1>> Song of Lamae [Item/Items] Craft items from the Song of Lamae Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Alik'r Desert, Eastmarch, or Malabal Tor.
Craft <<1>> Alessia's Bulwark [Item/Items] Craft items from the Alessia's Bulwark Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Alik'r Desert, Eastmarch, or Malabal Tor.
Craft <<1>> Orgnum's Scales [Item/Items] Craft items from the Orgnum's Scales Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in the Earth Forge.
Craft <<1>> Eyes of Mara [Item/Items] Craft items from the Eyes of Mara Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Eyevea.
Craft <<1>> Kagrenac's Hope [Item/Items] Craft items from the Kagrenac's Hope Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in the Earth Forge.
Craft <<1>> Shalidor's Curse [Item/Items] Craft items from the Shalidor's Curse Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Eyevea.
Craft <<1>> Way of the Arena [Item/Items] Craft items from the Way of the Arena Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Craglorn.
Craft <<1>> Twice-Born Star [Item/Items] Craft items from the Twice-Born Star Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Craglorn.
Craft <<1>> Noble's Conquest [Item/Items] Craft items from the Noble's Conquest Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in the Imperial City.
Craft <<1>> Redistributer [Item/Items] Craft items from the Redistributor Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in the Imperial City.
Craft <<1>> Armor Master [Item/Items] Craft items from the Armor Master Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in the Imperial City.
Craft <<1>> Law of Julianos [Item/Items] Craft items from the Law of Julianos Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Wrothgar.
Craft <<1>> Trial by Fire [Item/Items] Craft items from the Trial by Fire Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Wrothgar.
Craft <<1>> Morkuldin [Item/Items] Craft items from the Morkuldin Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Wrothgar.
Craft <<1>> Tava's Favor [Item/Items] Craft items from the Tava's Favor Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Hew's Bane.
Craft <<1>> Clever Alchemist [Item/Items] Craft items from the Clever Alchemist Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Hew's Bane.
Craft <<1>> Eternal Hunt [Item/Items] Craft items from the Eternal Hunt Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Hew's Bane.
Craft <<1>> Kvatch Gladiator [Item/Items] Craft items from the Kvatch Gladiator Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Gold Coast.
Craft <<1>> Varen's Legacy [Item/Items] Craft items from the Varen's Legacy Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Gold Coast.
Craft <<1>> Pelinal's Aptitude [Item/Items] Craft items from the Pelinal's Aptitude Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Gold Coast.
Craft <<1>> Assassin's Guile [Item/Items] Craft items from the Assassin's Guile Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Vvardenfell.
Craft <<1>> Daedric Trickery [Item/Items] Craft items from the Daedric Trickery Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Vvardenfell.
Craft <<1>> Shacklebreaker [Item/Items] Craft items from the Shacklebreaker Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Vvardenfell.
Craft <<1>> Innate Axiom [Item/Items] Craft items from the Innate Axiom Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Clockwork City.
Craft <<1>> Fortified Brass [Item/Items] Craft items from the Fortified Brass Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Clockwork City.
Craft <<1>> Mechanical Acuity [Item/Items] Craft items from the Mechanical Acuity Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Clockwork City.
Craft <<1>> Adept Rider [Item/Items] Craft items from the Adept Rider Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Summerset.
Craft <<1>> Sload's Semblance [Item/Items] Craft items from the Sload's Semblance Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Artaeum.
Craft <<1>> Nocturnal's Favor [Item/Items] Craft items from the Nocturnal's Favor Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Summerset.
Craft <<1>> Grave-Stake Collector [Item/Items] Craft items from the Grave-Stake Collector Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Murkmire.
Craft <<1>> Naga Shaman [Item/Items] Craft items from the Naga Shaman Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Murkmire.
Craft <<1>> Might of the Lost Legion [Item/Items] Craft items from the Might of the Lost Legion Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Murkmire.
Craft <<1>> Coldharbour's Favorite [Item/Items] Craft items from the Coldharbour's Favorite Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Northern Elsweyr.
Craft <<1>> Daring Corsair [Item/Items] Craft items from the Daring Corsair Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Southern Elsweyr.
Craft <<1>> Ancient Dragonguard [Item/Items] Craft items from the Ancient Dragonguard Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location on Tideholm in Southern Elsweyr.
Craft <<1>> Critical Riposte [Item/Items] Craft items from the Critical Riposte Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Cyrodiil.
Craft <<1>> Unchained Aggressor [Item/Items] Craft items from the Unchained Aggressor Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Cyrodiil.
Craft <<1>> Dauntless Combatant [Item/Items] Craft items from the Dauntless Combatant Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Cyrodiil.
Craft <<1>> Stuhn's Favor [Item/Items] Craft items from the Stuhn's Favor Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Western Skyrim.
Craft <<1>> Dragon's Appetite [Item/Items] Craft items from the Dragon's Appetite Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Western Skyrim.
Craft <<1>> Spell Parasite [Item/Items] Craft items from the Spell Parasite Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Blackreach, beneath Western Skyrim.
Craft <<1>> Red Eagle's Fury [Item/Items] Craft items from the Red Eagle's Fury Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in The Reach.
Craft <<1>> Legacy of Karth [Item/Items] Craft items from the Legacy of Karth Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in The Reach.
Craft <<1>> Aetherial Ascension [Item/Items] Craft items from the Aetherial Ascension Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Blackreach, beneath Western Skyrim.
Craft <<1>> Hist Whisperer [Item/Items] Craft items from the Hist Whisperer Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Blackwood.
Craft <<1>> Heartland Conqueror [Item/Items] Craft items from the Heartland Conqueror Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Blackwood.
Craft <<1>> Diamond's Victory [Item/Items] Craft items from the Diamond's Victory Item Set to complete this endeavor. You can find the relevant item set crafting location in Blackwood.
Place <<1>> Conservatory [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from the Conservatory category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Place <<1>> Courtyard [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from the Courtyard category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Place <<1>> Dining Room [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from the Dining Room category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Place <<1>> Gallery [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from the Gallery category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Place <<1>> Hearth [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from the Hearth category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Place <<1>> Library [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from the Library category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Place <<1>> Lighting [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from the Lighting category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Place <<1>> Parlor [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from the Parlor category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Place <<1>> Structure [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from the Structure category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Place <<1>> Suite [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from the Suite category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Place <<1>> Undercroft [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from the Undercroft category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Place <<1>> Workshop [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from the Workshop category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Place <<1>> [Furnishing/Furnishings] Place furnishings from any category in a home you own to complete this endeavor.
Kill <<1>> Public Dungeon [Boss/Bosses] Kill Public Dungeon bosses to complete this endeavor.
Kill <<1>> Delve [Boss/Bosses] Kill Delve bosses to complete this endeavor.
Recharge <<1>> Weapon [Enchantment/Enchantments] Recharge weapon enchantments with soul gems to complete this endeavor.
Read <<1>> Lore Library [Book/Books] Read Books from your Lore Library to complete this endeavor.
Loot <<1>> Containers Loot baskets, barrels, nightstands, wardrobes and other containers to complete this endeavor.
Loot <<1>> Stealable Items of Blue Quality or Better Steal items of Blue quality or better from either containers or peoples' pockets to complete this endeavor.
Acquire <<1>>New Mundus Stone [Boon/Boons] Interact with Mundus Stone and change your Mundus boon to complete this endeavor.
Complete <<1>> Daily [Endeavor/Endeavors] Complete Daily Endeavors to complete this endeavor.
Complete <<1>> Weekly [Endeavor/Endeavors] Complete Weekly Endeavors to complete this endeavor.
Complete <<1>> Consumables Master [Writ/Writs] Complete Master Writ quests for consumables goods like drinks, foods, or potions to complete this endeavor.
Complete <<1>> Durables Master [Writ/Writs] Complete Master Writ quests for durable goods like enchantments and equipment to complete this endeavor.
Complete <<1>> Survey [Report/Reports] Complete Survey Reports by following them and harvesting their rich resources to complete this endeavor.
Complete <<1>> Holiday [Quest/Quests] Join in the festivities and complete holiday quests to complete this endeavor.
Complete <<1>> [Incursion/Incursions] Overcome Incursions and World Events throughout Tamriel to complete this endeavor.